'BORROWER' is the only required field for you to continue further.
Enter borrower's LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL(NAME). This is done for proper alphabetical lists by name. Do the same where ever a name is requested.
RADIO Buttons for Co-signer default 'No'. As long as 'Borrower' has been entered the 'Yes' radio button will turn on, if applicable, giving you an entry form for co-signer data.
ENTER button under 'Other Info (Collateral) activated after 'Borrower' is entered. Most loans require collateral, sometimes several. There is a separate file set up to store as many items of collateral needed for each loan. You will be able to enter 'New', edit or delete from a scroll box list assigned to this specific loan after you have selected this button.
The Entry Form for Other Information (collateral) has several fields to identify that item-'Description' being the only required field. For versatility of this file, there are four (4) open fields that you may assign as you wish. Just click on space where title would be and name it. Tab and the cursor will move to the field area for entry. Tab again to entry next title, etc. If you enter another record after saving, the open titles will remain as you entered the previous record. You can change the titles for each separate record or leave than as they are.
STATUS: For NEW loans the ACTIVE button is the only choice. Even if you change it before saving the New Loan, the program will reset the Active Button and set the status date to the Loan Start date. As Long as there are no payments entered against a loan, Active is your only choice. Delete is possible if no payments have been entered.
LOAN DATA Button activated by RETURN/ENTER or clicking once takes you to the loan entry form for loan amounts, annual percentage rate, etc.
CANCEL Button returns you to the Select Loan Window.